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Shipping & returns

When will my order ship?
Items are shipped 1 to 3 business days after your order is placed. Since our products are sourced from multiple manufacturers and suppliers, order processing and shipping times will vary. You can find if your order was shipped and the delivery estimates in the Orders page under My Account. Log in with your Email and Password, click on Orders, and click on the order number. This will show you the Order Receipt. Now click on Track Shipments link and you can check the status of your order and the shipping and delivery estimates if available.

When can I expect my order to arrive?
The number of business days from your date of order that it will take for the product to arrive at its destination will vary. We provide a range of dates since we only deliver on weekdays. For multiple product orders, we will do our best to have all products arrive on the same day. However, because all of our products are shipped separately, actual delivery dates are subject to the schedules of the delivery service being used. You can find the delivery estimates of your order in the order summary. Log in with your Email and Password, click on Orders under My Account, and click on the order number. You can find the shipping and delivery estimates by clicking on Track Shipments link in the Order Receipt.

What happens if my shipment is lost?
All items purchased from are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.

How can I check on the status of my order?
To check on the status of an order, log in with your Email and Password, click on Orders under My Account. Click on the specific order number and click on Track Shipments link in the Order Receipt and you can find the status of your shipment.

Can I cancel an order?
Most items enter the shipping process 2 hours after you place your order. You may cancel entire orders within the first 2 hours after the order is placed by writing an email to us at [email protected].

How do I cancel an order?
Please write to us at [email protected].

What if I want to change my shipping address after my order is confirmed?
You can change the shipping address on an order within 2 hrs of your order placement. If you would like to change the shipping address for an order by writing an email to us at [email protected].

Return policy
Shipped items are refundable for 30 days from the date received if the item is damaged or you purchased the wrong item by mistake, it does not fit or you changed your mind. Item must be returned in unopened and unused in the original packaging. We do not have any restocking fee and shipping costs to return the item are paid by the customer.

Download items are not refundable.

Free Design Warnings

3 free designs per week with no purchase,

6 free designs per week with $35 purchase, or

9 free designs per week with $75 purchase.
